The concept of calorie shifting is creating great rave in the weight loss industry today.
With this new concept there is no need to starve yourself in order to lose fats.
Calorie shifting uses your body’s metabolism to burn fat. It has proved to be very effective ways to lose weight.
Starving can have adverse implication on your health. Plus when you are on a low carb, low fat diet, people tend to give it up sooner or later as they cannot control their cravings. Hence such weight loss programs are generally not successful due to diminishing will power of the dieters.
In case of calorie shifting, you can eat whatever you like. There is no need to starve yourself from anything.
Our body requires all the constituents such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals to keep it fit and healthy. By starving yourself from one of these constituents, you are not taking the correct approach towards weight loss and causing harm to your body.
When we starve, we slow down the calorie burning process in our body. And fats in our body will supply more calories to make up for the loss.
You can eat 4 meals a day by spread them throughout the day. Eat them in regular intervals so that your metabolism is in a continuous process of burning calories. So it’s important to watch what you eat.
Take in smaller proportion of food and divide your meals.
This will speed up your metabolic rate and help you in reducing weight.